Posts by James Krieger

Aspartame…Deserved or Undeserved Bad Reputation???

In my Undeserved Bad Reputation series, you learned about all of the research on aspartame and its safety, from its metabolism to its...

Ask James: Muscle Growth & Joint Health, Time-of-Day of Exercise & Sleep, Individual Hypertrophy Responses to Rep Ranges, RPE & Hypertrophy, Enhancing Body Fat Metabolism, and ROM & Hypertrophy

There's a lot of good questions in this edition of Ask James.  I've got a big back-log of questions; here's...

Rapid Research Rundown: Set Volume & Muscle Protein Synthesis, White vs. Brown Rice, and Coconut Oil for Satiety

What is the impact of set volume on muscle protein synthesis?  How does gastric emptying, and potential appetite regulation, differ...

Active Commuting for Fat Loss

Can active commuting, like biking to work, replace a traditional exercise program for fat loss?  Can you lose fat with...

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