Aspartame…Deserved or Undeserved Bad Reputation???
In my Aspartame...an Undeserved Bad Reputation series, you learned about all of the research on aspartame and its safety, from its metabolism to its impact on cancer risk to its neurological effects to the deception of anti-aspartame groups. You have also learned about the impacts of aspartame on gut flora and whether it is of any concern.
Of course, conclusions in science are always tentative. While all of these articles are based on the weight of the evidence for aspartame at the time, new studies are always coming out, and there's always the possibility that new data could overturn old data. A recent review, covering studies ranging from the years 2000-2016, has again brought the safety of aspartame into question. Does this mean we need to change our view of aspartame? Click here to read a nearly 3,000 word analysis of this review, and whether we should changed "Undeserved" to "Deserved" (MEMBERS ONLY).