Flexible dieting means no foods are off limits, and you can enjoy your favorite foods, eating at parties/grandma's house, or the occasional trip to a restaurant if you can fit it into your overall calorie/macro plan (If It Fits Your Macros or IIFYM...click here to learn more about counting macros). There are no "good" or "bad" foods, or "allowed" or "disallowed" foods on a flexibile dieting approach. However, a flexible dieting approach is not a license to make up the majority of your food intake from junk food, fast food, or heavily processed food. While you certainly can get lean while eating most of your diet from these foods, it will be A LOT harder, given these foods may not be as satiating. Also, if you eat out frequently, it can be very difficult to get meals to fit into a calorie/macro plan, and often you won't be able to really have an idea of how much you're eating (restaurant foods often have MUCH more calories than what people think, or what the restaurant might show on its menu). Therefore, even with a flexible dieting approach, you will want most of your food intake to be made up of whole, mostly unprocessed foods. This ensures the best probability of success. You will still be able to eat out occasionally, or have the occasional indulgence, but occasional is the key word here. Also, there will be times where unexpected events happen (it's called REAL LIFE), and this is where a flexible dieting approach can work wonders. I will work with you to design a flexible dietary strategy that will work best for you and your schedule. Flexibility is the key word here. Flexibility does not mean "eat whatever and whenever you want."
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