Podcast Appearances

Below is a list of videos and links to podcast appearances.

Science-Based Hypertrophy Training

James Krieger - Science-Based Hypertrophy Training

James Krieger - Science-Based Hypertrophy Training

Individualizing Training Volume with Cody McBroom

Testosterone and Training Principles with Martin Barna

Famous scientist James Krieger on testosterone and training principles

Famous scientist James Krieger on testosterone and training principles

The Death of Expertise with Eliot Marshall

Junk Volume with Jeff Nippard

Junk Volume Discussion with James Krieger

Junk Volume Discussion with James Krieger

Resensitization Roundtable w/ Mike Israetel, Menno Henselmans, and Myself

281: Resensitisation Roundtable w/ Mike Israetel, Menno Henselmans & James Krieger

281: Resensitisation Roundtable w/ Mike Israetel, Menno Henselmans & James Krieger

Financial Planning, Investing, and the Risks of Crypto with Andrew Coates

Volume & Volume Cycling for Hypertrophy and Finances with Layne Norton

How To Succeed With Your Diet Long Term & The Coaches Guide To Financial Health ... Vigor Life Podcast with Luka Hocevar

‎Vigor Life Podcast: EP123: How to Succeed with Your Diet Long Term & the Coaches Guide to Financial Health w/ James Krieger on Apple Podcasts

"Fitness Science Explained" Book...Revolutionary You

The Great Weight Vest Experiment...Barbell Mesearch Podcast

The Great Weight Vest Experiment w/ "Dr" James Krieger

The Great Weight Vest Experiment w/ "Dr" James Krieger

NEAT, Fat Loss, and Metabolism...Build With Bickle Podcast

The Science of Body Metamorphosis...Brute Strength Podcast

The Science of Body Metamorphosis ft. James Krieger

The Science of Body Metamorphosis ft. James Krieger

Weighted Vests, Coaching, and Genetics with Dave Maconi


Diet Breaks, Weighted Vests, and BFR Training with Steve Hall


Insulin, NEAT, Body Comp Testing, and Other Science & Statistics Stuff with Greg Nuckols and Eric Trexler

Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger (Episode 30)

Fructose, Knee Sleeves, Weight Loss Variability, and James Krieger (Episode 30)

Fitness Professional Financial Literacy and Weighted Apparel for Fat Loss with Dean Guedo and Andrew Coates

Insulin, Obesity, and Weight Loss with Eric Helms and Omar Isuf

Ep. 37- Insulin, Obesity & Weight Loss (Ft. James Krieger)

Ep. 37- Insulin, Obesity & Weight Loss (Ft. James Krieger)

The High Volume Project with Steve Hall

147: James Krieger - The High Volume Project

147: James Krieger - The High Volume Project

The Science of Diet Breaks and "Refeeds" With Mike Matthews

James Krieger on the Science of Diet Breaks and “Refeeds”

James Krieger on the Science of Diet Breaks and “Refeeds”

Volume Study Controversy, Testosterone, and Insulin with Dave Maconi

James Krieger - Volume Study Controversy, Testosterone, Insulin - Charity Podcast

James Krieger - Volume Study Controversy, Testosterone, Insulin - Charity Podcast

Muscle Gain with Andrew Shaw


Insulin Myths and Low Carb Diets with Landon Poburan

Navigating the Holidays on Revolutionary You with Mike Howard and Jason Leenarts


Testosterone and Fat-Free Mass, with Omar Isuf

The EASIEST Way To Fix Low Testosterone (Ft. James Krieger)

The EASIEST Way To Fix Low Testosterone (Ft. James Krieger)

Exertion Load, Volume, and Training to Failure with Carl Lanore

The Best Diet for Fat Loss is the One You Can Stick To, With Ari Whitten

☀️ Why the Best Diet is the One You Stick to!

☀️ Why the Best Diet is the One You Stick to!

The Truth About Measuring Your Body Fat, with Scott Baptie

What's the Best Rep Range to Build Muscle? With Mike Matthews

Research Review: What’s the Best Rep Range for Building Muscle?

Research Review: What’s the Best Rep Range for Building Muscle?

Keeping the 'Coach' in Science-Based Coaching with Steve Hall of Revive Stronger

104: James Krieger - Keeping the ‘Coach’ in Science-Based Coaching

104: James Krieger - Keeping the ‘Coach’ in Science-Based Coaching

How Much Does Training Frequency Matter with Mike Matthews

Research Review: James Krieger on “How Much Does Training Frequency Matter?”

Research Review: James Krieger on “How Much Does Training Frequency Matter?”

Half Size Me:  Why Accountability and Support Is Key To Long-Term Weight Loss with Heather Robertson

Industry Tribalism, Testosterone, Nutrition, Talking to Neighbors at BBQ's, and More - The Fitness Devil You Know with Dean Guedo and Andrew Coates

Training to Failure, the Inaccuracies of Body Composition, & Protein Timing with Jay Campbell of TRT Revolution

Training to Failure, The Inaccuracies of Body Composition & Protein Timing  w/James Krieger

Training to Failure, The Inaccuracies of Body Composition & Protein Timing w/James Krieger

Frequency, Volume, and Calories for Strength & Hypertrophy with Danny Lennon of Sigma Nutrition

How Arguing on the Internet Got My Career Started, Among Other Topics with Rafal Matuszewski

The Most Effective Ways to Lose Weight and Bodyfat...Appearance on the Corporate Warrior Podcast with Lawrence Neal

Set Volume and Hypertrophy with Jacob Schepis

Interview With James Krieger - Review Of The Set Volume Bible | JPS Podcast Ep 28

Interview With James Krieger - Review Of The Set Volume Bible | JPS Podcast Ep 28

Measuring Progress with Dave Smith

Weight Loss and Going from IT Geek to Fitness Geek with Kennet Waale

Obesity and Related Topics with The Man Who Lost 200 Lbs (Darko Botic)

NEAT with Ian Bickle


Carbs, Sugar, Grains, and a Guy Named Taubes...with Stephan Guyenet and Jason Leenarts

Individual Differences in Responses to Diet & Training with Andy Morgan


Metabolic Damage with Jason Leenarts

NEAT & Other Topics on Lift The Bar Podcast with Stuart Aitken (Episode 36)

Muscle Hypertrophy with James Roberts

Muscle hypertrophy with James Krieger - Mind Set Game Podcast #6

Muscle hypertrophy with James Krieger - Mind Set Game Podcast #6

Tracking Body Fat Percentage with Andy Morgan


The Ultimate Training Guide with Stephen Box

EP | 30 The Ultimate Training Guide

EP | 30 The Ultimate Training Guide

Hypertrophy and Nutrition with Jacob Schepis

Interview With James Krieger | JPS Podcast Ep #9

Interview With James Krieger | JPS Podcast Ep #9

Grains with Mike Matthews

James Krieger on the truth about eating grains

James Krieger on the truth about eating grains

Maximizing Hypertrophy with Lidor Dyan

interview with james krieger on how to maximize your muscle building potential

interview with james krieger on how to maximize your muscle building potential

Hypertrophy Programming with Steve Hall

033: James Krieger - Setting up your own hypertrophy programme

033: James Krieger - Setting up your own hypertrophy programme

Aspartame, Insulin, & Fat Loss with Ben Coomber

Ben Coomber Podcast #241   James Krieger

Ben Coomber Podcast #241 James Krieger

Insulin & Fat Oxidation, Protein Timing, & Critical Thinking:  HPA Podcast

The Science of Training for Fat Loss with Mario Tomic

The Science of Training For Fat Loss (ft. James Krieger)

The Science of Training For Fat Loss (ft. James Krieger)

Sugar & Body Fat with Mario Tomic

Does Sugar Make You Fat? (The Truth ft. James Krieger)

Does Sugar Make You Fat? (The Truth ft. James Krieger)

Anthropometry/Body Composition Testing with Iraki Nutrition

James Krieger: Anthropometry

James Krieger: Anthropometry

Carbohydrates and Insulin with Iraki Nutrition

James Krieger: Carbohydrates & Insulin

James Krieger: Carbohydrates & Insulin

Artificial Sweeteners and Body Fat Testing with SSD

SSD Podcast Ep. 12: James Krieger: Artificial Sweetners and Body-Fat Testing

SSD Podcast Ep. 12: James Krieger: Artificial Sweetners and Body-Fat Testing

Training Volume, Failure, and Rep Ranges with Jeff Nippard

Interview with James Krieger on Training Volume, Failure & Rep Ranges

Interview with James Krieger on Training Volume, Failure & Rep Ranges

Insulin, Ketogenic Diets, Weight Loss, and Resistance Training with Guy Bortz

Interview with Chris Burgess and Luke Johnson of the Personal Trainer Collective

NEAT, Gluten, & Reporting of Dietary Intake with Sigma Nutrition

Insulin with Real Health Radio

Insulin with Real Nutrition Radio

Insulin with The Guru Performance Podcast

Single vs Multiple sets with Complete Human Performance

Why Anyone Can Lose Weight...The Science of Fat Loss with Full Disclosure Fitness

The Ideal Number of Sets to Perform for Optimal Progress with Superhuman Radio

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