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Periodization/Variation in Repetition Ranges for Muscle Size: Your Complete Evidence-Based Guide
Daily Undulating or Traditional Periodization for Hypertrophy?
Daily Undulating or Traditional Periodization for Hypertrophy? Part 2
Is Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP) or Linear Periodization (LP) better for muscle hypertrophy?
To Fail or Not to Fail? Should You Train to Failure to Maximize Muscle Strength and Size?
To Fail or Not to Fail, Part 2. The Impact of Training to Failure on Muscle Size
Is there an RPE threshold for hypertrophy?
Is training to failure the stimulus for muscle hypertrophy, or is it load progression?
Do you need to train close to failure to maximize muscle protein synthesis?
Night-Time Casein for Building Muscle
Do You Need to Spread Protein Intake To Maximize Muscle Gain? Part 1
Is There A Max Amount of Protein You Can "Use" During A Meal?
Do different types of protein matter for building muscle if you eat protein frequently?
Energy Intake
At what numbers should you aim to gain weekly during a bulk so that its mostly muscle?
How much energy does it take to build one pound of muscle?
Is there any benefit to creatine supplementation in non-responders?
Meal Frequency
Is more frequent eating better for building muscle? If so, is it enough to be noticeable?
Time Course for Muscle Hypertrophy
Relationship Between Size and Strength
Muscle Protein Synthesis and Obesity
How do you balance muscle growth with joint preservation?
Pre- vs. Post-Workout Stretching
Can post-tetanic potentiation (heavy, low rep sets followed by higher rep sets) enhance hypertrophy?
Why am I not getting a good pump anymore?
How do nuclei from satellite cells contribute to muscle growth?
Does moderate cardio after training hurt hypertrophy? Should it be done on leg or upper body days?
What are the primary drivers behind age-related loss of muscle, and how can it be prevented?
Can Carbonated Beverages Make You Eat More?
White vs. Brown Rice for Satiety
Why It's So Easy to Regain Weight: Fat Loss & Appetite Changes
Food Reward
Do Hunger and Satiety Drive Eating Anymore?
Do Hunger and Satiety Drive Eating Anymore? Part 2
Do Hunger and Satiety Drive Eating Anymore? Part 3
Individual Hunger Responses to Exercise
Does Exercise Make You Eat More?
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 2
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 3
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 4
Effects of Exercise Intensity on Appetite
Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame, Stevia, and Appetite
Does Age Affect Appetite Regulation?
Can Post-Workout Whey Reduce Your Calorie Intake?
Why Does Protein Make You Feel Fuller?
Protein Bakes vs. Protein Shakes (i.e., Solid vs. Liquid Protein for Appetite Control)
Food Variety
Same 'Ol, Same 'Ol...The Impact of Food Habituation on Food Consumption
Eating Rate
Chew on This: The Impact of Chewing Rate on Food Intake
Can a very small energy deficit be effective for minimizing hunger and muscle loss?
Time-Restricted Intermittent Fasting: Your Complete Evidence-Based Guide
Intermittent vs. Continuous Calorie Restriction for Fat Loss
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 1
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 2
What are the fat loss advantages of a Leangains cycle diet compared to other cyclic approaches?
What is the compensatory effect of fasting on subsequent calorie intake?
How Much Does Weight Training Help With Fat Loss?
The Impact of Resistance Training on Energy Expenditure
Is it OK to change compound exercises when in an energy deficit?
Is high reps as useful as heavier weight/low reps for maintaining muscle while dieting?
Is combining cardio and lifting better for fat loss than lifting only?
How many calories do you burn during recovery from a resistance training session?
Does metabolism impact weight loss success?
Does metabolism impact future weight gain?
Does "Starvation Mode" Exist? Part 1
Does "Starvation Mode" Exist? Part 2
Does "Starvation Mode" Exist? Part 3
Does "Starvation Mode" Exist? Part 4
Does Weight Cycling Cause Metabolic Damage and Interfere With Fat Loss?
Do Spices Increase Metabolism?
Do Spices Increase Metabolism? Part 2
Can you enhance body fat metabolism?
How do I factor in age and muscle into the RMR estimate for the USDA Body Weight Planner?
What is the range in the slowdown of RMR over the short term and long term during weight loss?
Does Formal Exercise Impact NEAT?
Physical Activity/Energy Expenditure
The Impact of Resistance Training on Energy Expenditure
Do People Accurately Report Their Physical Activity?
Obesity: Too Many Calories, Too Little Activity, or Both?
What is the relationship between PAL and TDEE?
How do we compare energy expenditure between people of different sizes and body composition?
Weight Maintenance/Regain
Why it's So Easy to Regain Weight: Efficiency
Overfeeding and Energy Expenditure, Part 1
Overfeeding and Energy Expenditure, Part 2
Does Exercise Make You Eat More?
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 2
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 3
Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 4
Effects of Exercise Intensity on Appetite
How much energy do you expend with activities like thinking or studying?
How To Use Kevin Hall's Models To Establish Calorie Targets
How Can We Better Estimate Calorie Intake?
Underreporting Examination, Part 1
Underreporting Examination, Part 2
Obesity: Too Many Calories, Too Little Activity, or Both?
What methods of tracking food intake can work for busy people and people who struggle to track?
Can Post-Workout Whey Reduce Your Calorie Intake?
High Protein and Insulin Sensitivity During Weight Loss
Why Does Protein Make You Feel Fuller?
Protein Bakes vs. Protein Shakes (i.e., Solid vs. Liquid Protein for Appetite Control)
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 1
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 2
Can You Overeat Protein and Not Gain Fat?
How does the absorption of protein from beef jerky compare to cooked beef?
Is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) a good strategy for bodybuilders to lose fat rapidly?
Low Carb
Energy Expenditure and Fat Loss in Low Carb vs. High Carb Diets
Can a Keto Diet Help You Keep Muscle During Extreme Dieting?
Do Whole Grains Favorably Impact Energy Balance?
White vs. Brown Rice for Satiety
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 3
Gluten...An Undeserved Bad Reputation
White Bread...An Undeserved Bad Reputation (Sort Of)
The Impact of Sugar on Body Fat
Glycemic Index
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 1
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 2
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 3
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 4
Why It's So Hard To Build Muscle & Lose Fat At The Same Time
Weight Training, Weight Loss, and Protein Synthesis
What's the Maximum Rate At Which You Can Lose Fat While Minimizing Lean Mass Loss?
Fat Loss Too Fast? The Effect of Rate of Fat Loss On Lean Mass Retention
Does Size Matter (Of the Energy Deficit, That Is)?
Can performance on key compound lifts be a good gauge of muscle retention during a diet?
Is a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) a good strategy for bodybuilders to lose fat rapidly?
Can a very small energy deficit be effective for minimizing hunger and muscle loss?
Is there a way for someone to know how hard to push a deficit but not so hard as to lose muscle?
Could Diet Beverages Actually Hinder Fat Loss?
Can Artificial Sweeteners Help You Lose More Weight Than Water?
Artificial Sweeteners: an Undeserved Bad Reputation
Artificial Sweeteners: an Undeserved Bad Reputation...Gut Flora
Aspartame...Deserved or Undeserved Bad Reputation??? Undeserved Bad Reputation Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2 Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 3: The Soffritti Studies Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 4: The Deception of Anti-Aspartame Groups Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 5: The Neurological Effects
Aspartame, Stevia, and Appetite
Aspartame and MSG...Undeserved Bad Reputations
Acesulfame K
Artificial Sweeteners: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2 - Acesulfame Potassium (Acesulfame K)
Sucralose: An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Sucralose: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2
Saccharin: An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Aspartame, Stevia, and Appetite
Morning Exercise for More Fat Loss?
My Fat Loss/Contest Prep Journey, Part 1
My Fat Loss/Contest Prep Journey, Part 2
Do you need to cut water, sodium, dairy, and/or fruit when prepping for a photo shoot or contest?
What does the evidence say about gut microbiome's effect on health and weight?
Do you gain more fat from a caloric surplus if you are consuming alcohol?
Could Diet Beverages Actually Hinder Fat Loss?
Can Artificial Sweeteners Help You Lose More Weight Than Water?
Artificial Sweeteners: an Undeserved Bad Reputation
Artificial Sweeteners: an Undeserved Bad Reputation...Gut Flora
Aspartame...Deserved or Undeserved Bad Reputation??? Undeserved Bad Reputation Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2 Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 3: The Soffritti Studies Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 4: The Deception of Anti-Aspartame Groups Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 5: The Neurological Effects
Aspartame, Stevia, and Appetite
Aspartame and MSG...Undeserved Bad Reputations
Acesulfame K
Artificial Sweeteners: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2 - Acesulfame Potassium (Acesulfame K)
Sucralose: An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Sucralose: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2
Saccharin: An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Aspartame, Stevia, and Appetite
Can Post-Workout Whey Reduce Your Calorie Intake?
Why Does Protein Make You Feel Fuller?
Protein Bakes vs. Protein Shakes (i.e., Solid vs. Liquid Protein for Appetite Control)
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 1
Do You Need To Spread Your Protein Intake to Maintain Muscle While Dieting? Part 2
Night-Time Casein for Building Muscle
Do You Need to Spread Protein Intake To Maximize Muscle Gain? Part 1
Is There A Max Amount of Protein You Can "Use" During A Meal?
Do different types of protein matter for building muscle if you eat protein frequently?
High Protein and Insulin Sensitivity During Weight Loss
Can You Overeat Protein and Not Gain Fat?
Do you count incomplete proteins in your daily protein requirements?
Do Whole Grains Favorably Impact Energy Balance?
White vs. Brown Rice for Satiety
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 2
Grains...An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 3
Gluten...An Undeserved Bad Reputation
White Bread...An Undeserved Bad Reputation (Sort Of)
The Impact of Sugar on Body Fat
Glycemic Index
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 1
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 2
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 3
The Futility of the Glycemic Index, Part 4
- Is it better to maintain my rep ranges for hypertrophy, or let the reps drop with each successive set as I fatigue?
- What recent research has significantly changed what we believe, or how we might coach people in practice?
- If I take multiple sets to failure, the drop off in reps with each set seems to vary from one muscle group to the next. Why is this?
- What shoes can be best for weightlifting or moderate pace running? Do shoes really make a big difference, and do they save us from injuries?
- Do I need to train through a full ROM to maximize hypertrophy?
- What resources would you recommend to learn how to evaluate research?
- Do abdominal exercises help you slim or tighten your waist? Is there a particular abdominal exercise that you recommend?
- Is there an upper limit to total daily energy expenditure? Will my total daily energy expenditure stay the same even if I exercise more?
- How long should you wait to change your training volume once you've hit a plateau?
- Can I get the same leg development from a leg press as compared to a squat?
- Is it better to train a muscle group 2 days per week or 3 days per week for muscle size? Does it even matter?
- Is exercise variation important for hypertrophy?