Weightology Watches for 3/9
Here's some links for your reading enjoyment this week:
- Jeff Thibotout and Matt Schoeneberger review Fred Hahn's "Slow Burn Fitness Revolution" book, and the results aren't pretty. Check out Part 1 and Part 2, and the ensuing comments that follow.
- Anthony Colpo exposes "Razwell", an obsessive, ranting internet stalker who has harrassed me, Anthony, Lyle McDonald, and Jamie Hale.
- Jamie Hale talks about the limitations of science.
- Carb Sane pokes more holes in the "carbohydrates drive insulin which drives fat storage" mantra.
- Martin Berkhan tells us how to walk the talk and unlock our true potential.
- JC gives his secret to gaining slabs of muscle without the fat
- Colby Vorland gives his weekend update
- Lyle McDonald writes a follow up on too much cardio