Research Review September 2019 Table of Contents
Here's a rundown of all the members' content posted the last month.
Evidence-Based Guides
- Low vs. Moderate Rep Sets for Hypertrophy: Your Evidence-Based Guide
- Periodization/Variation in Repetition Ranges for Muscle Size: Your Complete Evidence-Based Guide (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2019)
- Set Volume for Muscle Size: The Ultimate Evidence-Based Bible (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2019)
- Rest Intervals for Muscle Size: Your Complete Evidence-Based Guide (UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2019)
Ask James
- Electrostimulation and hypertrophy
- Age-related decline in hypertrophic potential
- Set volume and low rep ranges
- Deloads
- Functional training
- Insulin sensitivity and hypertrophy
- Dietary fat and satiety
- Fat loss on high carb vs low carb
- Strength, hypertrophy, and progression
Happy Sciencing!