Weightology Research Review September 2020

The September 2020 issue of the Weightology Research Review is now online!

Can Bang boost your lifts? Should you use cables or barbells for jacked biceps? How good does a tape work for measuring your growth? How should you use RMR equations? We've got the answers to these questions and more in this issue.

Here's the table of contents for this issue.

  • Bang®! Can It Boost Your Lifting Performance and Calorie Burn?⁠
  • •Satiety: It's Not Just About Macros and Reward⁠
  • Cables vs. Barbells for Big Biceps⁠
  • Measuring Muscle Gain: A Tale of the Tape⁠
  • Metabolic Adaptation: An Illusion, or an Inappropriate Conclusion?⁠
  • Are Essential Amino Acids + Whey Better Than Just Whey?⁠
  • Bench vs. Flyes for Big Pecs⁠
  • RMR Equations: Good for Groups, Not Individuals⁠

Whether you're trying to build muscle, lose fat, compete in physique shows, or help your clients lose weight and get fit, there's something in this issue for everyone.⁠

Subscribers get reviews of 8 different studies each month in web, mobile-optimized PDF, and digital magazine PDF versions, and access to an archive of nearly 300 video and written research reviews, evidence-based guides, and Q&As.⁠

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