Weightology Research Review March 2021
The March 2021 issue of the Weightology Research Review is now online!
Here's the table of contents for this issue. Click on a link to go straight to a web-based article in your browser, or go to the digital flipbook or download the mobile-optimized PDF (login required).
- Creatine Alternatives No Better Than The OG
- Should We Switch Up Our Exercises for the Best Muscle Growth?
- Failure, or Not to Failure, That is the Question
- Food Industry Funding & Research Results: How Much Influence?
- Training Frequency and Protein Synthesis
- Can Diet Breaks Improve Fat Loss?
- Lower Protein Intakes Might Not Always Be Bad
- Overeating & Excess Alcohol: Insights From "The Tailgate Study"
Enjoy this month's review! If you have any questions or comments about any articles, email us or post to the private Facebook page.
May the growth be with you!
- James, Brandon, & Cody