muscle protein synthesis

Rapid Research Rundown: Set Volume & Muscle Protein Synthesis, White vs. Brown Rice, and Coconut Oil for Satiety

What is the impact of set volume on muscle protein synthesis?  How does gastric emptying, and potential appetite regulation, differ...

Ask James: Cardio vs. Eating Less For Fat Loss, Daily vs. Linear Undulating Periodization for Muscle Size, Energy Expenditure from Thermogenic Agents, Energy Requirements to Build Muscle, Insulin Sensitivity in AM vs PM, & Training Volume and Muscle Protein Synthesis

Lots of great questions in this edition of Ask James: Is combining cardio and lifting better for fat loss than...

Rapid Research Rundown: Muscle Protein Synthesis & Obesity, Metabolism & Weight Gain, Brain Responses to Unhealthy Foods, and High Protein Diets & Insulin Sensitivity (MEMBERS ONLY)

How does muscle protein synthesis compare between lean and obese people?  What are the brain responses of adults and kids...