Ask James: Concurrent Training, Short vs. Long Rest, Block Periodization vs. DUP, and 13 Other Questions
Another record is set for the most questions asked! Here's the questions answered in this edition:
- At what threshold do you start to see interference effects with concurrent training?
- Is increased volume the main reason why long rests tend to be better for hypertrophy?
- What is the relationship between hormones and body composition?
- What are the pros and cons of block periodization versus daily undulating periodization?
- What are current recommendations for strength training to minimize age-related muscle loss?
- Is it better to do your first set to failure, or keep reps in the tank and only push last sets to failure?
- How does sleep affect digestion?
- How do we compare satiety of different foods with similar macros?
- Is cardio required for health if I'm already weight training?
- Does muscle glycogen depletion enhance fat loss?
- How does training frequency impact joint health?
- Are the results of the recent drop set study due to higher calorie intake?
- Are targeted isolation movements necessary for deltoid hypertrophy?
- What is the best way to come back from a layoff?
- Is it possible to get withdrawal symptoms when you stop creatine?
- How much does a small increase in arm circumference affect overall appearance?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to increasing membership levels, and the sheer volume of questions, future editions of "Ask James" will contain only a sample of questions. Other questions I will do my best to answer in the comments section itself.