Weightology Research Review June 2020
The June 2020 issue of the Weightology Research Review is posted! This month features A NEW FORMAT!
I listened to your feedback, and now the Research Review comes in three different versions: mobile-optimized PDF, desktop/print digital magazine PDF, and web.
Here's some screenshots of the new digital magazine format:
This month we've got topics ranging from total body vs. split routines to appetite and metabolism and the impacts on fat loss.
Here's the table of contents for this issue:
- Total Body vs. Split Routine Fight To The Death
- Machines vs. Free Weights Smackdown
- Do Weight Loss-Induced Changes in Metabolism Make It Tougher To Keep The Weight Off?
- Is It Better To Avoid Problem Foods or Limit Problem Foods?
- Do You Need More Protein For Maximum Muscle Than Previously Thought? Part II
- Do Appetite Changes After Weight Loss Really Favor Weight Regain?
- Past Blast: Fat Loss and Appetite Changes
- Past Blast: Comparing NEAT Between Lean and Obese
Whether you're trying to build muscle, lose fat, compete in physique shows, or help your clients lose weight and get fit, there's something in this issue for everyone.
Subscribers get reviews of 8 different studies each month in web, mobile-optimized PDF, and digital magazine PDF versions, and access to an archive of nearly 300 video and written research reviews, evidence-based guides, and Q&As.
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