Research Review November 2023
The November 2023 issue of the Weightology Research Review is online, with a new format!
We listened to you, and we've made some changes! Articles are now available in purely web format (no more PDF flipbook viewer), and you can still download a PDF of the entire issue if you wish. You can now comment directly on individual articles in the web versions. Also, the web format improves the ability of the search to find content.
Here's what's inside:
- Effects of Protein Intake Prior to Exercise on Metabolism
- Menopause Status Affects Muscle Growth Responses to Resistance Training
- The New P-Ratio? Lean Mass Loss During a Diet
- Two-Year Effects of Semaglutide. The STEP 5 Trial
- HIIT - The Holy Grail for Fat Loss?
- Understanding the Taboo Topic of Perimenopause
Subscribers get reviews of 6-8 different studies each month in mobile-optimized PDF and digital flipbook versions, and access to an archive of 300+ video and written research reviews, evidence-based guides, and Q&As.
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May the growth be with you!
- Brandon, Cody, Astrid, and James