Research Review November 2018 Table of Contents: Low Carb Edition
November was highlighted by the most extensive (90 minutes!) video research review to date, where I go through the recent Ebbeling low carb/energy expenditure study with a fine tooth comb. It is capped off with a 5000 word review of the 2012 study by the same research group. This month is a great lesson in critical analysis of research, and how you can't always take a study's results at face value. It is also a lesson in how you should be wary of media reports on scientific research.
- Effects of a Low Carb Diet on Energy Expenditure During Weight Loss Maintenance. In this 90-minute, 52-slide video research review, I go over all the details of a recent study by Ebbeling et al. on the effects of different carb/fat ratios on energy expenditure during weight maintenance. If you would rather read than watch, you can download a PDF of the slides.
- Does a Low Carb Diet Provide a Metabolic Advantage? A Review of Ebbeling et al. 2012. The recent study isn't the first by this research group. They published one in 2012. This 5000 word Weightology Classic review goes over all the details of this study, and whether the results are reliable.