Search Results for: taubes

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Weightology Watches for 3/23

Some links for your reading enjoyment this week: CarbSane once again reveals more evidence of how Gary Taubes has misrepresented scientific research Lyle McDonald talks about how normal weight men...

Some Rebuttals to the Critiques of My Insulin Series

...and misrepresented science in the name of low carb dieting. She does an excellent job of exposing the scientific errors of many low carb gurus such as Taubes and Eades....

The Low Carb Trap

...long time, it can make it appear that you've finally found the magical answer to your weight problems. You may even start to believe the bad science of Gary Taubes...

Revisiting Classic Research on Carbs and Weight: The “Metabolic Advantage” That Never Was

...that fits your preferences, lifestyle, and training volume, and that allows you to reasonably control your overall calorie intake. Thanks to the misinformation presented by Gary Taubes and others, calorie...

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