Examine.com’s Supplement Stack Guides

Normally I don't endorse products, but Sol Orwell and my other evidence-based friends at Examine.com have put together "Supplement Stack Guides".  If you are interested in dietary supplements that actually have science to support them, these guides are for you.  The guides are organized by goal.  For example, if your goal is muscle gain and exercise performance, there is a specific guide for which supplements work together to help you reach your goals.  Only supplements with solid scientific research behind them are supported  These guides are truly ACTIONABLE lists of supplements.

If you're interested in checking out the stack guides, click here.  Note that I am an affiliate for Examine.com and receive a small commission for orders placed through my site.  However, anyone who knows my background or my past article/posting history knows I would never recommend anything unless the evidence behind it is rock solid.

Examine.com Supplement Stack Guides


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Enrique Pasion
5 years ago

Wow, Thank you for posting this. This stack guide will be very useful for me to decide on what supplement may best suit me and my partner. Just new to the muscle building program so I need all the help I can get.

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