The Scam of Skin Antioxidant Testing

A while back, a friend of mine asked me about this product:

It's a biophotonic scanner made by a company called Pharmanex.  This product measures carotenoid levels in the skin.  Carotenoids are antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables.  Beta-carotene is one carotenoid that you may be familiar with.  Other carotenoids include lutein and lycopene, to name just a few.  Many scientists believe that carotenoids may be partly responsible for the observed associations between increased fruit and vegetable intake and lower risk of many diseases.

 The company claims that this scanner can give you an "accurate and reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant health status".  They further state that, "Getting your Skin Carotenoid Score makes you aware of the antioxidant levels in your body-and gives you the push you need to improve your overall antioxidant health."  To appear scientific, their website is complete with a scientific advisory board, a list of scientists, and even a list of studies that they claim supports their product.

Well, it's B.S.

OK, it's not complete B.S.  The product does do what it claims to measures carotenoid levels in the skin using a technique called Raman Spectroscopy.

While that's fine and dandy, what is B.S. is their claim that it is a reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant status.  There is simply no evidence that carotenoid skin levels reflect the overall antioxidant status of your body.

Carotenoid skin levels do correlate with fruit and vegetable intake, so the test can tell you if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.  But do you need an expensive scanner to tell you if you're eating a lot of fruits and vegetables?

And what do you think the company recommends you do if you have a low skin carotenoid score?  Buy their antioxidant supplements, of course.

This isn't the first time Pharmanex has spread outlandish claims.  In 1997, they were fined by the Federal Trade Commission over claims they made about two supplements they sold.

The fact is that this scanner is nothing more than a fancy way to take your money and to get you to buy things that you don't need.  There is no evidence that skin carotenoid status is a reflection of overall antioxidant status.  You do not need an expensive test to know if you're consuming a lot fruits and vegetables.  Also, there is little scientific evidence that supplemental antioxidants have any health benefits.  In fact, too many antioxidants can have a pro-oxidant effect, and may also reduce your own body's antioxidant defense systems.  We are a bit too antioxidant crazy in our society....a topic that I will get to in another blog post.

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Vicki thomas
11 years ago

So is this the scanner that the co Mona vie sells and uses?

Joy Daniel
Joy Daniel
11 years ago

Thank you Dr. Edmiston and Maverick. I have done hundreds of scans with the Biophotonic scanner and have scanned many people who have scored both high and low. It has been a very useful tool for people to have a baseline measurement for their antioxidant health. It serves as a validation for the people who are dedicated to healthy living that their efforts are paying off. For others, it has been a wake up call that they need to take better care of themselves. Not everyone buys something from me, but if they walk away with the intent of eating… Read more »

11 years ago

the originator said you dont need this tool to tell if you are eating enough fruits, veggies…..thats like saying why do you need a heart rate monitor, can’t you tell when your heart is beating fast?or a watt meter, or a 24 hour fitness membership, etc they are all motavation tools to maybe keep your interest in fitness. You could go dig holes in your back yard and get in great shape!! I tested 60000 with no prepping, I dont work for or take any stuff from the company. Someone who tests lower might stop smoking, and then test better… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  maverick

I agree with the author’s do not need to use an expensive piece of equipment to measure your antioxidant levels…you know yourself if you are eating your fruits and veggies. So these people went out and bought a Vitamix blender..and drank their fruits and veggies??? and bet their scores improved drastically. Well duh!

Dave Edmiston, M.D.
11 years ago

The article documents the effect of lycopene in reducing strokes by 50+%.

Lycopene is one of the 18 carotenoid antioxidants the scanner measures.

Might the score be a wonderful incentive in this area – along with macular degeneration?

My last post unless your remove the title of your website, “The Scam of Skin Antioxidant Testing”? Email me when you have.

Dave Edmiston, MD

Dave Edmiston, M.D.
11 years ago

The article documents the effect of lycopene in reducing strokes by 50+%.

Lycopene is one of the 18 carotenoid antioxidants the scanner measures.

Might the score be a wonderful incentive in this area – along with macular degeneration?

My last post unless your remove the title of your website, “The Scam of Skin Antioxidant Testing”? Email me when you have.

Dave Edmiston, MD

11 years ago

it’s over 9000!

Dave Edmiston, MD
11 years ago

The biophotonic scanner and the MPOD devices are what we recommend for all healthcare professionals to utilize in order for patients to be more motivated about the lifestyle and nutritional changes to make in order to help lessen the impact of age-related macular degeneration.

Carotenoid antioxidants are one of the largest categories of antioxidants and provide an indication of overall antioxidant protection.

The scanner is a very good thing.

Dave Edmiston, M.D.
National Program Director

Dave Edmiston, MD
11 years ago

The biophotonic scanner and the MPOD devices are what we recommend for all healthcare professionals to utilize in order for patients to be more motivated about the lifestyle and nutritional changes to make in order to help lessen the impact of age-related macular degeneration.

Carotenoid antioxidants are one of the largest categories of antioxidants and provide an indication of overall antioxidant protection.

The scanner is a very good thing.

Dave Edmiston, M.D.
National Program Direcotr

11 years ago

As a chemist these systems and the folks who take the measurements are very inaccurate. I took a test 3 times in a row – it went from orange then to red and then yellow. Three tests. I eat a diet extremely high in raw foods. It depends on placement of finger, whether they waited for the solvent to evaporate off the finger and whether there is residual from the previous person. It scares people into doing stupid things.

Stephanie, RD
Stephanie, RD
10 years ago

I agree with the author 100%, but I can see your point Dave. However, clearly these scanners are not just sold to health professionals and now we have everyone from juice companies to supplement companies to nutritionists in the over-night program with no training at all using this tool to sell whatever they are selling. You know what the point is? Eat more REAL food. Grab a list of foods high in Antioxidants if you like and make better choices.

10 years ago

I know this post was a while ago, but just so there is transparency here. From what I can tell from checking Dr. Edmiston’s LinkedIn page he is intimately tied to NuSkin, the maker of the scanner being discussed here. I would take that into consideration when reading his posts.

10 years ago
Reply to  Moderation

Thank you for providing this transparency. I was approached at a fundraiser to have someone come to my home when all my family is there so all can be tested. I’m not sure whether this would be a good thing, so I’m trying to inform myself.

Mike breez e
Mike breez e
11 years ago

Hi James, I have been in the Health & Wellness industry for 20 years. I am the biggest sceptic out their. I have seen how companies use lies and half truths to trick you into buying products. This company I have investigated from top to bottom, everything they claim is 100% true. They are making a difference with this new technology to Measure & motivate people into Heath & wellness, god knows western society needs all the help it can get. I think you need to look deep into your attitude regarding making a difference in people’s lives. Anything that… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Mike breez e

I agree with the author’s do not need to use an expensive piece of equipment to measure your antioxidant levels…you know yourself if you are eating your fruits and veggies.

11 years ago

Talk is cheap, why don’t you try and I’ll scan you for free.
🙁 If you live in the los Angeles area that is 🙂 I’ll throw in an ultrasound testing of an organ for 20 bucks, that goes to a charity.

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