Volume 1, Issue 2 of Weightology Weekly

In this issue: How Successful Are U.S. Citizens At Maintaining Long-Term Weight Loss?  The stats on Americans' ability to keep...

The Crap That Is Colon Cleansing

The Crap That Is Colon Cleansing

I think it's time to cleanse the world of colon cleansing. Colon cleansing is where people go on special liquid...

The 50 Calorie Per Pound of Muscle Myth

I don't know how many times I've heard the saying, "You increase your metabolism by 50 calories for every pound of...

Superhype Juices

Superhype Juices

In honor of Alan Aragon's recent blog post on MonaVie vs. Two Buck Chuck, super-hyped, err, I mean superfruit juices...

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