Search Results for: gary taubes

Total posts found - 37

H.I.T.-pocrisy, Part 1

...the Gary Taubes-ish tendency of selective citation is alive and well in among some H.I.T. authors. What is also ironic is the H.I.T.-pocrisy of citing Carpinelli's review papers as evidence...

Weightology Watches for 3/23

Some links for your reading enjoyment this week: CarbSane once again reveals more evidence of how Gary Taubes has misrepresented scientific research Lyle McDonald talks about how normal weight men...

Insulin: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 5:  Addressing the Critics

Insulin: An Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 5: Addressing the Critics

...said that "carbohydrates are singularly responsible for driving insulin." Actually Gary Taubes said it in his book, word for word. She goes onto say that, regarding one particular study I...

Why Losing Weight is Like Trading Stocks Gary Taubes or Zoe Harcombe, is often based on bad or junk science. The incorrect information put forth by these individuals ultimately can lead to problems (such as an...

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