Search Results for: gary taubes

Total posts found - 37
Does Exercise Make You Eat More?

Does Exercise Make You Eat More? exercise, you stimulate hunger to the point where you will eat more, effectively canceling out the calories you burned through exercise. Much of this belief comes from Gary Taubes's...

Aspartame…an Undeserved Bad Reputation, Part 4: The Deception of Anti-Aspartame Groups

...for it. Carb Sane has pointed out similar problems with Gary Taubes's research, where his references don't actually support what he is claiming. The bottom line is that just because...

Decoding the Debate

Decoding the Debate

...a sweet taste without the added calories of traditional sugars. Therefore, ASBs are often known as 'diet' versions of soft drinks. In theory, by reducing calorie intake from sugary drinks,...

Does Exercise Make You Eat More? Part 3 made by Gary Taubes and other low-carb "gurus". However, what happens on average is different from what can happen on an individual basis. You have learned that compensation can...

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