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Build more muscle and lose more fat with science.
Get over seven years of research on muscle gain and fat loss, and learn how to apply it to maximize results.
- An archive of over 400 video and written research reviews, evidence-based guides, and Q&As. A total of 7.5 years of content! A huge variety of topics related to muscle building, fat loss, nutrition, and fitness are covered.
- Information presented in an easy-to-understand and practical fashion, even if you don't have a science background.
Keeping up with the research is tough, so let us do the work for you.
Hundreds of exercise and nutrition studies are published in scientific journals each's impossible to keep up.
There's too much to sift through. Nobody's got time for that! But being educated in the science is important if you want the best results possible. So how do you get the information you need without spending hours and hours? And how do you distinguish good information from misinformation?
That's where the Weightology Archives come in.
You get over 7.5 years of research reviews related to fitness. We break everything down for you, so you don't need a PhD to interpret the data.
You get exactly what you need: the important details of each study, and how you can take the study's results and apply it to the goals of gaining muscle and losing fat.
Here's what you get...

- An archive of over seven years of research reviews. We go over the reasons for the study, the methods, the results, and what the results mean to you. We'll discuss it in the context of other relevant research and where the weight of the evidence lies. We give you practical takeaways to apply to your own training and nutrition or that of your clients.
- Two different formats: web-based and PDF. Use the web version to read on the go with your phone - no annoying pinching or zooming. Got a bigger screen or tablet? Use either the web version or the downloadable PDF. The Weightology Archives work with mobile and desktop. It's easy to navigate, has hyperlinks to relevant research, and full-color graphics to make it easy to follow.
- Video Reviews and Mini-Webinars. Some studies require such an extensive analysis that an article can't do it justice. Or, sometimes there's a body of literature that needs to be extensively reviewed. When that's the case, we've got video reviews with downloadable slides. These video reviews can be anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour in length.
- Topics relevant to you. Every reviewed study has practical relevance to how you train and eat. You can take the information and start applying it right away.
- Something for everyone. Are you trying to gain as much muscle as possible? Are you a competitor prepping for a show? Are you a trainer or dietitian working with clients with obesity? Are you trying to lose weight? Are you just interested in general health and fitness? We've got content that will help you.

- Evidence-based guides. Sometimes a single study can't tell you everything. That's why you also get complete evidence-based guides covering all the research on broad topics including training volume, training frequency, intermittent fasting, etc.
- Access to all past PDFs and an archive of over 400 video and written research reviews, mini-webinars, and Q&A's.
- Content organized by topic and month. It's easy to find what you're looking for. The website search button also works for finding specific topics.
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We've got experts, not rookies, who have written a lot of the content. Check out their bios here.
James Krieger is hands-down one of the top evidence-based practitioners in the fitness field. He not only possesses terrific knowledge of the literature, but his involvement "in-the-trenches" allows him to provide keen insights into the practical implications of training and nutritional strategies. He's always a go-to source for trusted, scientifically grounded info. - Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, Author: Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy
James’ research review has long been a staple in my monthly professional reads.
As a fitness professional, there is a constant pressure to keep up to date with the research if I’m to answer client questions with confidence. But now, more than ever, bold claims are thrown around without evidence, or with a few cherry-picked studies claiming support. With over 1000 studies published each month relevant to my field, looking through all the research is impossible. Further, can I be trusted to check my own biases when reading? I’d like to think so, but I don’t think I can. This is where subscribing to a few carefully chosen research reviews has proven invaluable. James’ Weightology Research Review is one of those I turn to each month. It helps me to stay relevant and at the top of my game. And the resulting confidence my clients have in me means better-executed plans, which leads to the results I’m known for, and my continued popularity as a coach.
I can’t recommend it highly enough. - Andy Morgan, Fitness Writer and Online Coach,
Reading research can be very fun and educational, but there is a major problem with putting its lessons into practice. Unless you read ALL of the research on a given topic, you cannot be sure you're not just getting a very partial, biased, and thus incorrect view of the evidence. If you don't have time to read all of the research on hypertrophy training and nutrition, you're in luck, because James Krieger does it for you. Not only does James collect all of the pertinent research on a topic, he synthesizes it, analyzes it, and presents it in understandable and actionable terms. Even better, he updates his reviews all of the time, keeping them on THE cutting edge of training and diet knowledge. If you're an evidence-based practitioner, James' Weightology Research Review is THE gold standard of fitness science, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. It's MY number one go-to source for staying up to date myself, and the vast majority of my theoretical work is rooted in the Weightology Review's presentation of the evidence. If you want the best in evidence based fitness, this is it. - Mike Israetel, Renaissance Periodization
James Krieger was one of the hidden gems of the fitness world when I was coming up. Honestly, when I read his now infamous series on insulin and body composition measurements, I felt like I had found a secret cache of knowledge that advanced my understanding of nutrition and body composition change more than the last 20 articles I'd read combined. Not only is James formally educated in both exercise and nutritional science, he has been in the fitness industry for years, he walks the walk, and he understands the ins and outs of the science because he himself is a published exercise and nutrition scientist. Not only has he published, he's published some of the most foundational journal articles in our field helping to establish fundamental relationships between exercise variables with hypertrophy and strength, and nutritional variables with fat loss and muscle retention. Reading Weightology is not just a way to learn information, but a resource to help you learn how to think. I credit much of my critical thinking development from learning by his example and I proudly give Weightology my highest recommendation. - Eric Helms, MS, CSCS, 3D Muscle Journey
James Krieger is probably the best kept 'secret' in the fitness industry. Not only is he incredibly bright at reading and interpreting research but he is also able to relay that research to other people in an understandable manner. Further, he does an excellent job synthesizing conclusions and recommendations from multiple studies and in my opinion his website is one of the best places to get information in the fitness industry. I highly recommend his research review. - Layne Norton, PhD, natural pro bodybuilder, Biolayne LLC
As someone who loves to stay fully up to date with the science behind fitness and bodybuilding, Weightology is an incredibly valuable resource. The level of depth and completeness from James is unparalleled. Every time I've ever shown someone how much information is included with a membership, they are as blown away as I was when I first signed up! It's seriously amazing. - Jeff Nippard, WNBF Pro Natural Bodybuilder,
James not only has the most up to date information on all things weight loss, muscle building, and fitness, but his reviews are unmatched in terms of detail and practicality. - Spencer Nadolsky, D.O.,
James's monthly review packs a lot of punch. James goes above and beyond with each and every issue, poring over the latest and most relevant fitness literature and going to painstaking lengths to make the information readily accessible and easy to understand to the average consumer. The quality of his content is unparalleled, and his prices are incredibly reasonable.
If you are at all interested in learning about and keeping up with the science behind fitness, do yourself a favor and sign up for his review. You'll be making an invaluable investment into your own education to become a better fitness enthusiast / practitioner. - Sohee Lee,
The Weightology Research Review is one of my favorite resources to dig in to (and recommend to others!). Not only are the studies chosen relevant and interesting but James has a unique ability to give deep insights that could go undetected. There is a perfect balance between the deep level of nuanced detail that is given with clear, pragmatic conclusions that connect the research to practice. For anyone looking to make better decisions about training and nutrition through science, then the research review is an excellent resource. - Danny Lennon, Sigma Nutrition
Weightology is one of my go-to sources for thoughtful, balanced, and practical insights on how to use nutrition and exercise science to improve my health and fitness and better educate and guide my readers and followers. There are quite a few research reviews out there, but James is at the head of the pack--a must-have for anybody who takes evidence-based fitness seriously. - Mike Matthews, Legion Athletics
I've subscribed to Weightology for years. Aside from having his own published work, James does a fantastic job of reviewing studies. His work is clean and approachable, and that's not a small compliment because reading research is a skill and art of its own. Weightology is great for enthusiasts learning more about their bodies or professionals building their skills—especially for professionals in a fast-growing industry. If you want to stay at the top of your game, educational resources like Weightology will definitely help you get there. - Leigh Peele,
As a coach of physique and strength athletes and being a competitive bodybuilder and powerlifter myself, Weightology has revolutionized my practice. James’ research review is not only the most comprehensive break down of the science of body composition, but is easily digestible and done so in a manner that allows me to apply the best evidence to my clients and athletes training and diet. If you are serious about getting the best results and staying up-to-date with the science, you’d be a fool not to invest into Weightology! - Jacob Schepis, JPS Health and Fitness
Some of my closer friends know that I've been doing a lot of reading about nutrition and fitness during the last year and a half or so (in addition to curling in the squat cage). In my not-so-humble opinion there's a lot of bullsh*t out there, so it's good when you can find research based, reliable information. I've got a very small list of what I consider to be outstanding resources, one of which is James Krieger over at I'd highly recommend reading his material if the topic interests you. - Patrick Umphrey, Powerlifter, Eat Train Progress Coach
Again thank you so incredibly much for your service, as a Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor and natural bodybuilder I'm constantly attempting to explain things through science and having your unbiased opinion lay out the info in layman's terms while providing MANY scientific references is a gift from the heavens. - Jameson Wolff, BCRPA, CSNA, Jameson Wolff Fitness Systems
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Comments from Happy Customers
The volume bible is SO good. It has to be the most comprehensive volume related resource online.
- Brian Minor, MS, CSCS
I subscribed initially to just read your volume bible, and have to say it's the most in depth piece on volume I've ever read having been in this industry for over 25 years.
Having only scratched the surface, I'll be staying a member.
Absolutely fantastic work, and I appreciate you bringing this information to light.
Here's to your continued success and discoveries, and making the fitness industry a better informed place to be.
- Lee H.
Your content is amazing. I think not enough people are aware of the quality compared to other well known research reviews.
- Marco S.
I loved your critical and thorough analysis - your critical thinking skills are superior to most health/fitness "gurus." You set the standard when it comes to nutrition research and analysis!
- Daniel F.
I have recently signed up for the research review and just wanted to say thanks, it is excellent, looking forward to future content...
It is so underrated...I'm blown away by the amount of data in there
- Jeff K.
James Krieger's Research Review is a MUST to invest for any serious professional.
- Andreas K.
Great content as usual! The review on ultra processed food is solid.
- Luis V.
Love this month's edition. Especially the data on 12,000 steps. Powerful man.
- David W.
Love your stuff. World class.
- Calvin H.
I just subscribed to weightology today! Absolutely love it so far!
- @i_aim_to_misbehave82
My thought when i downloaded the PDF "wow! This is sexy as hell!"
- Stephen E.
Hey James, just wanted to digitally shake your hand for putting together that volume bible. I can only imagine how much work it took to sift through the research and put it together in the way that you did.
- Avi S.