Weightology Watches

Weightology Watches…The Sensible Middle Part 1: In Defense of Calories

My colleague Mike Howard just wrote an awesome article, discussing the problems and absurdities with extremist and dichotomous thinking in...

My Body-Improvements Interview, and the Next Issue of Weightology Weekly

My colleague Steve Troutman recently interviewed me for his website Body-Improvements.  You can read the interview by clicking here.  Check...

Weightology Watches for 3/23

Some links for your reading enjoyment this week: CarbSane once again reveals more evidence of how Gary Taubes has misrepresented...

Weightology Watches for 3/9

Here's some links for your reading enjoyment this week: Jeff Thibotout and Matt Schoeneberger review Fred Hahn's "Slow Burn Fitness...